The world has begun to evolve into its next stage of existence. Some call it the virtual world, some the Internet 3.0, others the Metaverse. Whatever its name may be, one thing is for certain — it is an exciting, complicated place.

The key to understanding what fuels our brave new world’s sense of value is in the suspension of one’s attachment to only the material. Instead, a fluid and open-minded approach is required to blur the lines between material and immaterial value concepts.

NFT’s have become a quintessential representation of what holds value in the developing virtual world. The Metaverse is intrinsically embedded with NFT’s, giving them a space to thrive and obtain a new kind of value, no longer subject to the laws of the conventional material art world.

One company discovered this school of thought long before the formal Metaverse’s inception when crypto was only starting to find its feet. They understood that the value of a piece of digital art lies far beyond its conventionally exploited capacity, and that company was Roobinium.

In 2017, Roobinium was inspired to take a detour from the conventional web and graphic design after a crypto mining company approached them requesting a landing page design. Roobiniums creator Konstantin V. observed the unique potential associated with the world of crypto. Its cyberpunk esthetic and futuristic models of function inspired him.

During their initial crypto design project, Roobinium learned to speak in a forward-thinking visual language, placing the company ahead of its competitors. The company harnessed human psychology, studying where and how eyes tracked visual information on a screen. Once Roobinium completed their first crypto design, they decided there was no turning back and began their journey into the cyberpunk NFT world.

In 2017, Crypto design was novel and underdeveloped, so Konstantin and his team conducted in-depth research on crypto culture and esthetic. The team drew inspiration from combined concepts, including free technologies of the future, virtual reality and artificial intelligence. They reflected on how these components of the next iteration of the digital age might reflect on the future of digital and crypto art. The team concluded that this new intersection of man and machine is a form of unexplored creative potential energy that, when exploited, will yield an immense world of altered perceptions and values.

Following Roobiniums deep dive into the crypto world, Konstantin v. understood that crypto design is a form of visual language that will dominate the future of cyber communication. The value of avatars in Dota 2, Team Fortress, the Metaverse, and more have shown us; he was not wrong. Visual representation of self and identity is leading the charge of digital communication, just as our own clothing, possessions, and physical self-expression define us in the physical world.

Early in the crypto game, Konstantin understood that art and identity are paramount to the human experience of interfacing with technology, so he channelled it. The team found there was optical power in object motion combined with neon colours against steely grey backgrounds. Motion draws the human eye, and the colour palettes convey tones of futurism. The effects of Roobiniums approach to cyberpunk can be experienced on their website, where the principles of movement and colour draw the eye.

Now considered an old hand in the crypto art and crypto design world, Roobinium has completed 227+ crypto-related projects since their first experience back in 2017. Roobinium has worked with notable clients such as Infomatix and ​​Orionprotocol. They continue to champion a forward-thinking crypto design agenda, refusing restriction to the physical realm of value and art.

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